Tag - Spirulina

Joanna Lavenderfield 1 Kopi

Faith, Stress, and Love

I am sitting the middle of these times of unrest and have to formulate an article about health for the summer 2020, which is quite the challenge. Much of society has opened up as I am writing this, and tourists can again visit Spain. We can go to the beaches, bars,...

Young Couple Daydreaming About Their Future Blowing Dandelion Seeds

Faith, Hope, and Detoxification

As I am writing this, the country slowly opening up from a fatiguing lockdown period. Winter pale children are now spilling out into the streets. Some are looking carefully from behind their mother’s skirt, as if they are not quite sure if it is okay to walk here in the...


Food poisoning

By  Anni Dahms Owner of the retail chain ANNI’s VITAL SHOP. Nurse- & Health specialist, Biopath and Nutritional Adviser. The article is also available in Spanish, Finnish, Danish During my recent summer vacation in Mexico, I got a terrible food poisoning. It was completely my own fault, as I totally chose to...