Tag - vitamin-C


How to Strengthen Your Immune System – It All Starts with a Smile

By Anni Dahms Founder of  the retail chain ANNI’s VITAL SHOP. Nurse- & Health specialist,  Biopath and Nutritional Adviser. You can read Annis Newsletter in the following languages:       ”Instead of trying to prove that you are better than you think, just laugh. Laugh at your worries, laugh at security, see your anxiety with humor.”   It...


Vitamin C by Anni Dahms

You can read Annis Newsletter in the following languages:     I think we all know that vitamin C is essential to life. However, I do think its importance and significance is slightly overshadowed by all the other exciting supplements that are currently on the market. I have therefore chosen that this month’s...

Colds And Viral Diseases. Family With Runny Nose And Fever In Bed

The Cold and the Flu

You can read Annis Newsletter in the following languages:     Hopefully all my readers have had a great summer, free from sorrow and full of gratefulness, laughter, and joy. Now the autumn is upon us, and winter is at the door, meaning the season of colds and flus is coming. A myriad of...

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The Vitamins and Minerals Essential for Life

You can read Annis Newsletter in the following languages:     Anni Dahms Owner of the retail chain ANNI’s VITAL SHOP. Nurse- & Health specialist, Biopath and Nutritional Adviser. In these months, many people are starting their summer vacation. People from all over the world are coming together here in Spain, and the air...


Seasonal Allergies

You can read Annis Newsletter in the following languages:     Anni Dahms Owner of the retail chain ANNI’s VITAL SHOP. Nurse- & Health specialist, Biopath and Nutritional Adviser.   Nature is unfolding in the most beautiful way during these spring months. Trees and bushes are blooming, showing all their magnificence and lushness in a...


Happiness by Anni Dahms

You can read Annis Newsletter in the following languages:         After I successfully overcame my sickness with heart complications, water in my lungs, and hypertension, I have decided to consciously seek happiness. I’ve made this decision based on different literary sources, which have inspired to see, that the body and the immune...


Atrial fibrillation

By Anni Dahms Owner of the retail chain ANNI’s VITAL SHOP. Nurse- & Health specialist, Biopath and Nutritional Adviser.   The article is also available in Spanish, Finnish, Danish   Atrial fibrillation is a rhythm disturbance in the heart’s atrium. The atrium is contracting faster than with a normal heart rhythm. Atrial fibrillation can often cause blood clots in the...