Monthly Archives - April 2018

5 favourite health products by Heidi

  1. Chia siemenet   Pienet chia siemenet ovat todella ravinnerikkaita, ja sisältävät paljon proteiinia, vitamiineja, antioksidantteja, kuitua sekä omega-3-rasvahappoja. Hinta-laatusuhde on myös näissä supersiemenissä, jotka sisältävät edelle mainittujen lisäksi paljon sinkkiä, magnesiumia sekä A-,B- ja E-vitamiineja, erittäin hyvä. Meillä Anni`s Vital Shopissa 500 gramman pussi luomu chian siemeniä maksaa vain 4,89 euroa,...


Addicted to sugar? Balancing the blood sugar

Last week I had an interesting bioresonance test that showed some foods that were either suitable or harmful for me. Some of the results were already quite clear to me beforehands, because I could say that by eating them I wasn’t feeling good. But some of them surprised me a...


Natura Malaga 2018

Last weekend there was the annual Natura Malaga, which is a fair for ecological, organic, healthy and sustainable products and healing methods. Altogether 150 companies were representing their products and services, 40 of them with ecological certification. All day long there were interesting lectures on different topics - from holistic...


A Clear Mind

By Anni Dahms Owner of the retail chain ANNI’s VITAL SHOP. Nurse- & Health specialist,  Biopath and Nutritional Adviser. Español * English * Suomi * Dansk     I once visited a well-known clairvoyant who told me that my brain would always remain razor-sharp. Obviously, I was delighted to hear this. However, when my son recently recited some calculative analysis, I...


5 favourite health products by Tiina

Tässä Anni's Vital Shopin Tiinan suosikkituotteet: Lepicol Lepicol on minun ja koko perheen vatsan suosikki. Meillä on aina Lepicolia kotona jääkaapissa siltä varalta, että jollain on vatsa kipeänä. Se sopii erinomaisesti päivittäiseen suoliston toiminnasta huolehtimiseen ja vahvistaa hyvää suolistoflooraa, eli bakteerikantaa, jota tarvitsemme voidaksemme hyvin ja pysyäksemme terveenä. Mantelivoi Rapunzelin mantelivoi on suuri herkkuruokani,...


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

Spring is arriving, and in some parts it is already there, like here in the southern Spain. When the season is changing somehow we people tend to like having some changes in our lives as well. One of these changes could be paying more attention on what and how we...