Build Stronger Bones by Anni Dahms

Seniors With Trainer In Gym At Sport Lifting Barbell

Build Stronger Bones by Anni Dahms

By Anni Dahms, Owner of the retail chain ANNI’s VITAL SHOP.
Nurse- & Health specialist,  Biopath and Nutritional Adviser.

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The number of people developing osteoporosis, also known as brittle bone disease, is on the rise. It is estimated that 22 million women over the age of 50 in Europe are affected by osteoporosis. The condition primarily affects women, but men are not far behind. Thin men are often more susceptible to osteoporosis. It is reported that one out of every 3 women is affected by the condition, while among men, it is considered to be one in 5.

Osteoporosis causes bones to become porous and more susceptible to fractures. It is one of the world’s most common and debilitating conditions, resulting in pain, limited mobility, and fractures, which in several cases can lead to death. It is primarily a result of the interplay between two types of cells, osteoclasts and osteoblasts, which play a role in the formation, shaping, and breakdown of bones, ultimately giving them their strength.

Fortunately, osteoporosis can be diagnosed, prevented, and treated. It is recommended by several experts that individuals aged 65 and above should consider getting scanned approximately every four years. Some women at higher risk may need to be scanned earlier and more frequently.

Causes of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis often begins as early as age 45, which is why it has been associated with factors such as hormonal deficiencies following menopause. It is also a combination of various factors that can contribute to the condition. Women at particular risk may include smokers, those who experience early menopause, those taking medications like corticosteroids, or those with an overactive thyroid. Furthermore, our modern lifestyle plays a role. We are less physically active today and tend to consume more refined and unhealthy foods. Alcohol consumption and smoking are risk factors, as is caffeine found in coffee, especially for heavy coffee drinkers, and in colas and other caffeinated beverages. The increasing life expectancy also plays a role because we are living longer and reaching an age where osteoporosis develops.

Our skeleton builds up until the age of 20-30, after which it begins to deteriorate. On average, men lose about 0.5% of their bone mass per year, while women lose about 1% per year. In the years following menopause, some women may lose up to 6% per year. This emphasizes the importance of building strong bone tissue during young adulthood. The most common bones to fracture in individuals with osteoporosis are the wrist, spine, hip, ribs, pelvis, and the upper arm near the shoulder. Fractures often occur due to falls. Hip fractures are most common in women over the age of 70.
A diagnosis can be made through a bone scan.

If our bodies become too ”acidic,” we use calcium and magnesium, and if there isn’t enough of it in our diet, we draw it from our bones and cartilage in our joints. Therefore, what you eat and drink throughout your life is crucial in contributing to stronger bones.


Autumn vegetables in shopping paper grocery bag on kitchen table top view.


Diet plays a significant role in osteoporosis prevention and management. Many foods can help reduce the risk of the condition. Numerous vegetables and various plants contain precursors to hormones, so it’s essential to consume plenty of vegetables, especially the green ones. Broccoli and kale are rich in magnesium. Include fruits, nuts, almonds, seeds, whole grains, lentils, beans, and similar items in your diet. Many people find it time-consuming to prepare vegetables, so it’s a good idea to prepare them on days when you have time and store them in the refrigerator’s vegetable drawer, where they can stay fresh for days.

Avoid refined foods, as well as white bread and pasta, as they are acid-forming. Fatty fish is a good choice; sardines and salmon are rich in vitamin D.

Meat is acid-forming, so be cautious with excessive consumption. Tofu is a good alternative as it contains calcium. It’s necessary to have a healthy and natural stomach acid production, so try to avoid antacids as much as possible. If you experience excessive acid reflux, you can use antacids like Samarin. As we age, our stomach acid production decreases. Stomach acid aids in the absorption of calcium from our diet. If you have irritable bowel syndrome and your food passes through your system too quickly, it can disrupt calcium absorption.

You don’t need to drink milk for your bones. Dairy products are acid-forming. There are many studies that question the importance of getting calcium from dairy products. It’s also a common misunderstanding that calcium intake alone is enough to ensure strong bones. It’s of utmost importance that your diet includes not only calcium but also magnesium, vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin K, boron, potassium, and zinc. B vitamins, especially folic acid and B6, should also be remembered. Remember to drink plenty of water and be cautious about excessive alcohol consumption, which, like sugar, leaches calcium from the bones. Also, be careful with too much coffee; limit your daily intake to a couple of cups at most. Coffee is acid-forming and can also contribute to calcium and magnesium loss from the body.

If you drink regular tea, the tannins in tea can bind to minerals in your diet. Therefore, it’s best to drink tea outside of mealtimes. Soft drinks and cola can acidify your bones and teeth.

Consider drinking a glass of apple cider vinegar with a bit of honey. Take a teaspoon in a glass of water three times a day. You can also enjoy green juices, some of which you can juice yourself, such as beetroot, carrots, celery, etc. For fruit juices, pineapple, papaya, and lemon water are recommended.

Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly. Avoid eating large portions. Be aware of your kitchen equipment and avoid aluminum cookware, which is a toxic heavy metal that can leach into your food and disrupt calcium absorption. Additionally, aluminum can be harmful to the brain.


Dietary Supplements

Osteoporosis can result from various factors, so it’s crucial to provide your bones with the right nutrients in the correct doses. As a baseline, I recommend a good multivitamin/mineral product along with essential fatty acids.

Take a high-quality and easily absorbed calcium/magnesium supplement. Never take calcium without magnesium; some experts even emphasize magnesium over calcium. Many believe that magnesium deficiency is one of the most common mineral deficiencies in our society today.

Calcium should be taken with magnesium, vitamin B, C, and D. Vitamin B6 and vitamin C work closely with calcium. Folic acid is also beneficial against osteoporosis, but make sure to get the full spectrum of B vitamins, as they all work together.

We don’t get enough vitamin D in our daily lives, so vitamin D supplementation is also important for calcium absorption. The optimal amount of vitamin D to take is a topic of debate among researchers. There is no known risk associated with an intake under 200mcg.

Vitamin K2 is essential for binding calcium in your bones. Studies have shown that vitamin K intake can reduce fractures by up to 65%. K2 vitamin is especially important for postmenopausal women. Take approximately 100 mcg daily. If you are on Warfarin (a blood thinner), consult your doctor before taking it.

Vitamin C, about 1-2 grams daily, helps strengthen bone protein structure. If you know you have osteoporosis, your intake should be around 2 grams daily.

Zinc is important for bone building. Aim to get between 15-20 mg daily.

Silicon is important for strengthening bones and preserving calcium within them.


In our sedentary society, it’s crucial to be aware of the importance of staying active. Even if you’re beyond your youth, aim to live as active a life as possible, where you prioritize physical activities. Prolonged bed rest can quickly lead to bone loss, so avoid spending more time in bed when sick than absolutely necessary.

Moderate exercise has been shown to increase bone density in women.

It’s been found that smoking can reduce bone density by up to 25%, so it’s worth making an effort to quit. It’s estimated that one in every 6 hip fractures can be attributed to smoking.

If you are taking prednisone (a corticosteroid), especially if you’ve been taking it for more than 3 months, it’s important to talk to your doctor about how much calcium and vitamin D you should take to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Some researchers believe that certain emotional aspects also play a role. Any form of shock or trauma can lead to difficulties in mineral absorption. Therefore, it’s important to process and work through such shocks.

Another emotional pattern observed in those suffering from bone loss is that they often feel that ”life is too much” and that they simply don’t have the energy to handle certain areas of life. Many dutiful women feel it’s forbidden to acknowledge and say no when they simply can’t take on more.

Louise Hay’s perspective on bones and their connection to emotions is an interesting one. She suggests that bone-related issues can be linked to a feeling of lack of support in life. Here’s her suggested new thought pattern: ”I am supported by life. I trust the process of life to support me.”

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