It is possible to get infected by all sorts of fungi, but this article will mainly be about candida albicans, which I find to be one of the most damaging fungi of our time. We all have candida albicans. It is a yeast that is found on our mucous membranes, especially in the intestinal system. It is unicellular and does not cause problems under normal conditions, because our important intestinal flora keeps it under control. If the intestinal flora is perfectly fine, it cannot pierce the intestinal system.
If our intestinal system is weakened for some reason, e.g., for internal or external stress, treatment with hormones or antibiotics, poor diet with too much white flour, bread, sugary foods, beer, medicine poisoning etc., an overgrowth of candida can occur. It changes and becomes a mycelial fungus with a root network that can grow through the intestinal mucosa, and then it is called a candidiasis. From now on it will simply be called candida.
Thus, dead fungal cells and their metabolic products as well as undigested food residues are exposed, which can give rise to a lot of difficulties and problems.
The fungus often appears in the vagina of women. Warm, moist, or sweaty provide good environment for yeast to thrive. The fungus is also found as a frequent skin disorder, e.g. around the anus, where it causes an unbearable itch, under women’s breasts and in skin folds. It is often seen that there are also attacks on the mucous membranes in the mouth. The nails can also be affected but are often affected by different kind of fungus.
More diffusely, attacks of candida can also appear as symptoms of massive chronicity, fatigue, headaches, depression, irritability, failing ability to concentrate, psychoses, weakened immune system, infections e.g., cystitis, allergies, skin problems, digestive problems, often with discomfort, bloating and obesity. One of the reasons for being overweight can be that you never feel full and often stand in front of the fridge, even if you have just eaten. It’s like the body is still hungry and just missing something.
The candida projects its food needs onto you. You crave sweets, white bread, beer, cheese, sugary foods, etc. This is how it feeds on your food, continuing to produce toxins that suppress the immune system. And then we have the trouble and the vicious circle.
Often, the whole mess starts with one or more antibiotic treatments, in addition there may be acne in the teenage years, which is often treated with even more antibiotics or with birth control pills, medicines and creams if necessary with cortisone.
The symptoms can be diverse and at the same time may relate to other disorders, so that various specialists are totally confused.
Yeasts produce alcohol, and I’ve read that examples of drink driving for liquorice have been seen. Something to think about, as several people often say when they have a candida that they feel slightly drunk without having drunk a drop.
- It is important to starve the fungus, which is done by completely keeping you away from the food it likes the most. Its diet includes the easily absorbable carbohydrates, e.g., all forms of sugar, including sugary foods, dried fruit, juices, honey and syrup.
- Also avoid nuts
- Be careful with too much fruit. I usually recommend two pieces of fruit daily.
- Stay away from all types of gluten-containing white flour, bread, pasta, cakes, etc. Yeast products must be avoided as far as possible.
- Exclude dairy products including cheese, yogurt, kefir, but feel free to use a little butter and whipping cream.
- Beer and wine are also on the list of prohibited items. In social contexts, you can choose a pure whisky or possibly vodka, mixed with clean water.
- Use plenty of olive oil. Olive oil inhibits the transformation of the fungus into the mycelial form.
- Eat whole grains such as brown, wild and red rice, oats, rye, buckwheat and quinoa.
- From vegetables, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, onions and leeks, can be used. Use a lot of garlic, which kills fungi, parasites and unwanted bacteria.
- Buy mainly organic if possible. This also applies to the meat. Better a little less meat, but in return meat from animals that have had a good life. If you can’t get organic meat, stay away from pork and chicken.
- Use good quality salt, e.g., Himalayan salt and herbal salt. Feel free to also use spices, cinnamon, ginger, rosemary, oregano and thyme.
- Be careful with the coffee, but drink green tea, Ipe Roxo tea and fenugreek tea.
It is a strict diet plan, so it can be a really good idea to make a weekly meal plan. Plan carefully so that you make sure that the food is as varied as possible. There is plenty of room for the sweet tooth if you just use your imagination. In the afternoon, when you crave something sweet, grate an apple, sprinkle with cinnamon along with a little coconut flour. If you have saved some leftovers from the morning porridge, it can be eaten cold with some grated apple as mentioned above.
You must never feel hungry, because then you suddenly forget all common sense and run, even in the worst blizzard, down to the nearest candy store.
Buy for a week at a time, and you won’t give in to temptation so easily, and save your daily visit to the supermarket, which can be dangerous if you’re hungry, especially when you reach the cash register with its tempting candy offers. It’s so easy to throw a pack of wine gum in the basket.
It can be of invaluable help to consult a nutritionist because the diet must never become an additional stress factor. A body with candida is stressed enough.
In many cases, a diet of 2-3 months is sufficient. After that carefully move into a more normal diet. Still be careful what you put in your mouth. Hopefully you have adopted new healthier eating habits.
Choose a good vitamin/mineral supplement as a base. Also take some polyunsaturated fatty acids omega 3.
Vitamin B6, folic acid and biotin can be taken together with the multivitamin pill.
Selenium also has an antifungal effect and can be taken with the vitamin/mineral supplement. Daily dose 200 mcg.
Take any Ipe Roxo as tea. It works better as a tea instead of capsules. Preferably drink 3-4 cups daily. Ipe Roxo is the inner bark of a South American tree that grows in the jungle, i.a. in Brazil and Argentina. The Indians and the Incas have used it against fungus, infections and cancer. Ipe Roxo is reasonably well researched, as more than 1200 studies have been carried out on the product.
If you can’t eat raw garlic, or can’t because of the smell, choose the good quality garlic capsules with a high allicin content.
Take an extra dose of vitamin A that strengthens the mucous membranes.
The intestinal flora must be strengthened with lactic acid bacteria found as powder, capsules or in a mixture of fermented liquid herbs.
Caprylic acid is a fatty acid extracted from coconut oil. It is usually very effective and without side effects.
Aloe Vera can be used both externally and internally. It is amazingly healing.
Dida is a tablet that can also help with candida. It helps to avoid air and bloating. You kill several birds with one stone as it contains cinnamon oil, turmeric, cumin oil, garlic, peppermint oil, oregano etc.
If you suffer from too little stomach acid, you can supplement with HCLcapsules, papaya and bromelain.
If you suffer from vaginal yeast infection, avoid tight pants, tight-fitting underwear, and don’t use soap on your intimate area. The symptoms of a fungus are itching, with a cheese-like white gritty discharge. It can help if you put a few lactic acid tablets in the vagina overnight.
If you only have itching on the outside of the labia, Aloe Vera gel is a good help. You can also use a tea tree oil cream.
Aloe Vera gel can also be a good help if you suffer from skin fungus. |